Thursday, September 17, 2009

Knowledge Framework and Marci

I LOVED lecture today. I was interested in what Geoff was saying the entire time, I did not fall asleep and I was not super tired, like I usually am in any of my classes, regardless of how much I like that class. I loved class even more when we started talking about the four parts of knowledge framework. I could really relate to that. It is so true, when you are emotionally invested in something, whether positively or negatively, you will remember details about it. And I have found this to be very true concerning school. Since I like my classes this semester and I care to do well in them it is easier for me to pay attention, do my assignments, and learn from what is being taught. I am also very excited to try to inspire the students that I will one day teach to be emotionally invested in what they are learning.

Also I taught today, which I had been dreading since I read about it in the syllabus. But once I got in front of the class today I was not nervous at all really. I simply forgot myself and went to work. It was great. I love that feeling, although it makes me feel slightly silly since I worry so much about it before. Once I get up there though, things generally go very well. I also discovered that when I do a lot to prepare for a presentation I am giving I tend to never go with what I have prepared, which, according to my father, is neither a bad thing nor uncommon. As I was discussing my teaching experience with him today he told me that when you are the most prepared for something that is when you think of all these other things relating to that topic and you can "wing" it since you have done your research and you know what you are talking about. That is also what helps get rid of my nervousness, knowing what I am talking about. Anyway, this is starting to get long and stream of conscious-y so I am going to peace out, so make sure you are standing on the correct side of my hand Geoff.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ever since I joined the TEE family I knew I was going to be teaching, but during that time not once did the first year of teaching ever cross my mind. Then we started reading The First Days of School. Ever since then I have been thinking about it a lot. I was nervous when I first started reading and thinking about the first year of teaching, but being forced to think about it has helped me to not be as scared of that first year and to think through possible scenarios and to be able to anticipate what might be encountered so I won't be as scared when the time comes for that first year of teaching.