Sunday, October 4, 2009


Motivation. This is what I have been thinking about for the past few days. As I observed in the second Jr. High class I began thinking about what I can do as a teacher in the future to motivate my students to WANT to do well in class. What gives someone that drive, the determination to succeed? I am not entirely sure what makes individual people tick, but I feel that a large part of wanting to be successful, and feeling like you can be, is having solid encouragement. Encouragement from family, encouragement from peers, and encouragement from different authority figures, such as teachers. I never want to feel like if I had just supported or encouraged someone more, they would have done better, they would have believed in themselves enough to try harder and do more. I have also noticed that within my major there are those who are super competitive who won't always help others and seem to want to get ahead and do better than everyone, and then there are those who are always willing to help those who are struggling or confused and wish to see everyone succeed. I want to be in the later group and I am starting now to learn how to encourage everyone and help EVERYONE succeed. 

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