Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Observing for Observations sake

This last observation was probably my favorite by far. I got to go to Springville High School and observe someone who was fresh out of his student teaching, fresh out of the same program I am in and starting a new program at the school he is now teaching at. Braden knew all the things we wanted to know and knew how we were feeling as he had just been there. Yet somehow, in the short 2 months that he has been teaching it seems that he has acquired so much knowledge. While he is fresh out of the program, he already had a great class atmosphere and the students already respected him and behaved for him. And he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. I hope when I am in my first year I display as much confidence as Braden.

I think when I teach I want to have a lot of group projects and maybe even a few group tests, as that is how things are once you get into the industry. Also I think it is good to have an initial due date, but then let the kids go back and change things as that is also how things work on real life. Journalists have their articles edited and designers go through several iterations before the final product. I want to bring that into the classroom so the students get a feel for that, espeically if I teach high school.

I have noticed that A) we have only gone to observe male teachers, and B) they all make fun of their students. I want to see a female teacher teaching and see how the dynamic changes, or if it even does, with a womans presence. Also, I do not want to be one of those teachers that makes fun of their students, even if it is in a joking manner. Hopefully that won't be a problem seeing as how I do have a very sarcastic personality and I am prone to making comments poking fun at others at times. Guess I better start working on that now!

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